Sunday, March 28, 2010

Salome Is a Singleton For Not Much Longer

Our next post will be from a family of four...

But for now, the last of the adventures of Salome the Single Child. She turned 3 last month, which was preceded by a trip to FL to visit Appachen and Ammachi. She had a good time eating citrus up the wazoo. And Appachen taught her to drive.
The day after we returned from FL was Salome's birthday so we had a little cupcake party with her playgroup friends, and then the following weekend we had a party with family. She was pretty excited about all her birthday festivities and decided for a couple days there that she'd rather be 4. But now she's 3 again, and loving it. She makes note of her age fairly often now.
A few of her friends turned 3 right around the same time so she got to enjoy other kids' parties too. Her friend Mila had her party at an inside waterslide pool and Salome was very brave and went down the kiddie slide several times and "swam" around in the shallows.
While Papa was away on business, Salome and I went to Bigfork up at the lake and visited friends for a weekend. Salome got to play with all her grown-up friends and even ride a 4-wheeler.
She anxiously awaited the arrival of "her baby", taking part in the prenatal appointments (usually by sitting on top of me with a measuring tape), drawing lots of pictures of our family with the baby making four, and asking me "When is the baby gonna come out? This is taking a really long time."
We have so enjoyed this little girl and all the fun and life she has brought to us, and now we get to look forward to another little being that will multiply our happiness. I'll work on getting the next blog post out by early April to introduce you to the new baby, thus beginning my new career as a blogging mother of 2.