She came at 5:44 in the morning on March 19th, which is her Appachen's birthday. She looked teeny tiny to us, which made sense when we found that she weighed 6 1/2 lb. She has tons of hair, as you can see, and lots of eyelashes. She looks about as much like her papa as she can, and I am once again in the position of looking more like a nanny than a mama to my beautiful girls. :)
Salome didn't wake up till 9 o'clock on the morning of Olive's birth, so she awoke to find her world changed. She was shy at first and didn't say much but then after she was set next to her new sister she said, "It's kicking me!" Then she wanted to put a barrette in Olive's hair and went downstairs all by herself to get one. She preferred to call Olive "Peter Lucas" for the first day or two, but that soon fell by the wayside.
We've had so much fun adjusting to our family of four. Olive is mellow and happy and loves staring at the dark brown paint trim against the white ceilings. She started smiling at us when she was about 4 weeks old. (She's now 5 weeks.) Salome is just as busy and imaginative as ever and has been drawing lots of pictures of our newly bigger family and writing our names.
She is naturally sometimes peeved at the baby who is almost always attached to me, but mostly she really likes this new baby. When Olive cries, she tells me, "Mom, nurse her. She's crying." She loves to hold her and pet her face and put things like pencils in her fists. She also likes making Olive's little fingers do sign language letters and other symbols. "Look, Mom she's doing "L"/"thumbs up"/"peace!" Sometimes in the morning, she wakes up and says, "How's Olive doing?" and then talks to her, "Hi girl, how are you? Do you love me?" and then sings to her loudly.
We're looking forward to the rest of spring and then summer to enjoy with our girls and we'll keep you posted...