Sunday, April 20, 2008

Salome Weathers the Weather

We've had some ups and downs with the weather these past couple weeks - Salome wore both shorts and sweaters.   We've had a lot of fun playing outside in the 60-70 degree weather, and then a greeeeat time indoors while it has been snowing in 30-40 degree weather.  Super April weather we're having.
Salome is a professional pottier now, just in time for spring, and much to her parents' delight.  We're glad to be done changing diapers.  She enjoys a good read on the toilet, too, just like anybody would.  
She's gotten to go to two birthday parties in the last two weeks - one outdoors in the park and one indoors while it was freezing inside.  But she liked them both equally.  Other kids' toys are so much more fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the photos!! She is SO beautiful. You're all so beautiful for that matter!! Cant wait to see you in July. Staci