Sunday, May 18, 2008

Salome In the Summertime Weather

Salome got to play with her twin cousins, Jerny and Rheid, who each tried holding her.  She had requested to be picked up by Rheid, who is only 3, but she did and Salome patiently dangled from her arms as long as Rheid could hold her up.  And then Jerny took a turn.  Another of Salome's friends, the youngest of the bunch, Baby Kaitlyn, came over and Salome took liberties at giving her all sorts of umahs and hugs and "pointing out" her eyes and nose and mouth.  More like poking her finger in, but Kaitlyn was a trooper.  
Her new things lately, besides putting on glasses, are smelling things like candles and flowers, and also putting chapstick or any other kinds of "pretty" on her lips.  She asks to smell all the candles and lotions that we pass by in the store: "Mehw!" And of course if there are flowers on the table, she has to smell those too.  
It has been hot lately so she's been wearing little to no clothing, which is great for her.  She's happy as a clam to have bare buns all day long.  She got some (too big) pink cowboy boots from a  garage sale and immediately asked to put them on.  So she does like wearing some things.  

p.s.  Thanks very much to those of you who wrote such nice words to us after hearing of India's passing.  We appreciate it.

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