Monday, May 26, 2008

Salome and Her Little Buns

Salome got to enjoy many days of beautiful weather all in a row this past week.  Which means she was sparsely attired, especially that day on the swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  She was full of love too, and was kissing all sorts of things, including an angel and a buddha and she also attempted to kiss Arlo the dog. (p.s. every dog is now Arlo -"Awwo!")
One afternoon Salome wanted to give the kissing iron monkeys that live on the kitchen sink windowsill a bath (something that Grandma started with her), and I was tired of holding her up over the sink so I just set her inside.  She was delighted but then started getting her dress wet, so I took it off and she was all set for the next 20-30 minutes.  She gave many things a bath that day. Now I have to be careful when we walk by any sink, anywhere, because she wants to give her hands a "bah" for a verrrrry long time.  That kid loves the water.
Salome had a wonderful time at her cousin Colton's birthday party, where she got to play with lots of other cousins too.  They all have fun trying to pick her up, even if they are not much bigger than she is.  Charley was so proud when she sat on his lap, and even more proud when Isa got up and he had two girls on his lap.  And Salome was in heaven with the big kids, putting pennies in the piggy back. But none in her mouth I hope... ;)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Salome In the Summertime Weather

Salome got to play with her twin cousins, Jerny and Rheid, who each tried holding her.  She had requested to be picked up by Rheid, who is only 3, but she did and Salome patiently dangled from her arms as long as Rheid could hold her up.  And then Jerny took a turn.  Another of Salome's friends, the youngest of the bunch, Baby Kaitlyn, came over and Salome took liberties at giving her all sorts of umahs and hugs and "pointing out" her eyes and nose and mouth.  More like poking her finger in, but Kaitlyn was a trooper.  
Her new things lately, besides putting on glasses, are smelling things like candles and flowers, and also putting chapstick or any other kinds of "pretty" on her lips.  She asks to smell all the candles and lotions that we pass by in the store: "Mehw!" And of course if there are flowers on the table, she has to smell those too.  
It has been hot lately so she's been wearing little to no clothing, which is great for her.  She's happy as a clam to have bare buns all day long.  She got some (too big) pink cowboy boots from a  garage sale and immediately asked to put them on.  So she does like wearing some things.  

p.s.  Thanks very much to those of you who wrote such nice words to us after hearing of India's passing.  We appreciate it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Salome Rides Bikes

Big stuff this week.  Salome has moved on from going "dide" (outside) to take a "wah-wah" (walk), to going for a ride on the "bi!" (bike).  She got a helmet with bunnies on it that she calls a hat.  She squealed and grinned and insisted on putting her "hahh" (hat) "ah!" (on) over and over. She loves going for bike rides, needless to say.  "Wheeee!"  she says.
She also wore a great schoolgirl outfit with suspenders that was really cute and entertaining to me.  Her Appachen was in town for just a couple days, but Salome was so excited to see him and he is pretty  much wrapped around her little finger.
We had a fun Mother's Day out at Salome's grandma and grandpa's place in Arlee, where the swing is a big new discovery.  She is a fun kid to give her mama reason for Mother's Day.  :)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Salome In May

The past two weeks have been something.  India's death made us so sad.  Of course.  It's hard to lose a dog.  And India was such a lovely gentle girl.  She is buried between a plum tree and a grapevine at my parents place in Arlee and we can think of few places that are nicer to be laid to rest.  
As for Salome, we know she misses her dog being around to love on.  We're just glad that she got to have India for this long.  
Salome's been walking lots more - actually insisting on it:  "Wah-wah!" (walk-walk)  She still crawls to get places superfast, but as also adopted a bearcrawl that seems to be graduating towards complete upright-ness.  She's learning more words every day and is pretty fun to be around.  When she sees dogs anywhere, at my sister's house or on the sidewalk, she wants to give them an umah (kiss).  Not that we always let her.  She spent quite awhile in a store today giving a wooden dog multiple umahs, and then periodically sitting back to smile and say, "Nigh!" (nice)  She also likes wearing adult-sized hats and sunglasses these days.
Last weekend we went to Billing to see Salome's great-grandma.  It's pretty neat to have four generations in one room together.