Monday, September 29, 2008

Salome In Florida

Salome got to see her Ammachi and Appachen twice in the last month - once here and once in Florida.  She loved showing them her toys in her own house (Ammachi even added to her collection by getting her a much-coveted baby stroller with a talking baby to go with it), and loved even more playing with the toys at Ammachi and Appachen's house, and looking for "didderds" (lizards) outside.  
Her other favorite parts of her trip to FL were her first viewing of the movie "Bambi" and her discovery of a papier mache statue of Gandhi.  So "Bammi" and "Donny" were constantly being requested.  She was given the statue of Gandhi by one of her many adoring uncles during a visit on our way to a trip into Orlando, and after a visit to the Lego art in Downtown Disney, she fell asleep still clutching "Donny."
She's talking more and more; putting more words together, and doing tricks preceded by the command, "Watch.  This!"  We've been teaching her to say her (very long) name and so now when she's playing by herself she'll randomly say "Ammamma" (Mariamma)  "Bizzbiss" (Elizabeth)  "Nanyo!" (Daniel) - still skipping right over McGahan.  I guess she's hinting that she has enough names to memorize.
Next time, fall pictures...